Wednesday, April 9, 2014

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

No one knows what goes on behind the wall of a funny house but everyone knows the nurse's and staff wear a mask full of lies. everyday the patients wonder if they will be beaten today or   tomorrow, will I become a crazy person, will I be killed today. every day the same routine occurs until Randle Patrick McMurphy arrives. Randle the self proclaimed craziest, baddest, and strongest man to ever arrive turns everything upside down. I chose this book because out of all the other books this one seemed the most interesting to me. I predict that Randle will make the patients turn on and kill the staff for all the abuse they have received or will make the staff become patients themselves.

I am Randle

I am strong
I wonder who is the strongest
I hear my enemies
I see poker cards
I want to be the leader
I am not crazy

I pretend to be crazy
I feel like a champion
I touch the winning hand
I worry for people who are beaten
I cry for more prey
I am the greatest

I understand the rules of the game
I say i am the best
I dream to rule everyone
I try to be the best
I hope to be the best
I am randle

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Introductory Paragraph

Dorothy Allison once said " Class, race, sexuality, gender and all other categories by which we categorize and dismiss each other need to be excavated from the inside." This means that we shouldn't judge a person by the outside such as race or gender and rather get to know the person. This quote is true because people tend to judge things by what they see but no really takes the time to understand one another so we just categorize people and give them label whether we know its true or not. This can be clearly seen in the book One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey. People tend to judge one another by numerous things mainly because either they don't behave like you or what you believe to be normal. Three example are when Randle meets the acute and he scares them because they believe his craziness will effect them, another is Mrs. Ratched she acts like a loving nurse around normal people but once she is alone with a patient she becomes a cruel demon who beats them senseless, and the new patients they believe once they enter they will never become one of the chronics so they insult them and avoid them because they are scared that they might change into one of them by being around them.